Friday, June 13, 2014

BP Holdings: Five Vital Measures to Take to Safeguard Small Business Data

National Small Business Week has come. While this event provides tribute to the successes of small business, it likewise reminds people of the essential role of small businesses in the economy. To maintain their key influence on commerce, small businesses must perform in ways that make clients feel welcome, served personally and secure. Whereas marketing and promotional programs can do the first two, can small businesses bear the burden of sufficiently protecting their customers’ information and reassure them that their personal data are secure?

Considering the growing occurrences and cleverness of cybercrimes in the present environment, it has become more imperative than ever for small businesses to appreciate the high costs of an information theft and to take measures to reduce the risks. Data breach is very costly and disastrous for a small business. The lost income and accompanying liability from such an affair can produce great financial damages, while the damaged business credibility could end up being very hard, if not almost impossible, to restore.

A new research from Ponemon Institute reveals that 90% of data breaches gravely affect small businesses. Since payment data is the prime target for 65% of these attacks, small business owners should be convinced of the potential susceptibility of crucial payment information used to undertake transactions daily, in various ways — in person, through the Internet and also by smartphone or tablets.

Small business owners can provide security to their clients and themselves, even if there is no assurance of total protection against any threat. By remaining aware and comprehending possible security measures and available best practices, they can mitigate the dangers of data breaches with cost-effective solutions. Here are five essential measures you can undertake:

Ascertain PCI compliance: PCI compliance is the basic, required standard level of security. Non-compliance is unwise if small businesses want to remain viable through accepting the primary credit and debit cards for their clients’ convenience. More essentially, adhering to the stipulated security policies is a continuing process intended to reduce the risk of a data theft. The PCI DSS continuously improves to assist retailers in establishing the most sensitive safeguards to protect their enterprises against the rising threat of cyber crimes. But complying with PCI standards is only the start.

Upgrade POS systems: As more markets graduate upward into EMV, which is the technical rule to attain which assures chip-based payment cards and terminals are synched, a plethora of gadgets on the market allows choices for enhancing or substituting POS systems. A POS device which is compatible with EMV technology can process cards that have embedded microprocessors, or chips that communicate with the device. Smart chips allow more proficient cardholder confirmation to prevent consumer-level fraud for EMV operations. EMV can prevent stolen cards from being used. No businesses, big or small, can afford to neglect these crucial measures.

Move to the cloud: The latest POS and management systems not just combine various business functions, but they also store information in the cloud. The cloud has greater efficiency and security than former data storage solutions – businesses can access data anywhere they are at any time, and there is a lower danger of data breach by using reputable providers because of their emphasis in investment security. Moreover, enterprise owners can also obtain data backup, which is crucial in case the business encounters a major setback.

Layer with encryption and tokenization: By using layers of encryption and tokenization with EMV and POS compatible systems, business owners can reduce security vulnerability and address confirmation weaknesses. The two points that data are most vulnerable in the transaction cycle is in pre- and post-authorization. Encryption and tokenization secure the cardholder information once the payment method and client are confirmed. In addition, encrypted and tokenized information has no value to cyber-fraudsters. It is merely a jumble of useless characters.

Look for a trustworthy advisor: Small entrepreneurs need a dependable advisor who can aid them to understand their information security duties, evaluate present options and then execute a plan to assure long-term business security. Business owners are not the only ones who require their clients’ data to be safe. When dealing with a payment technology company, make sure they place a great importance on information safety, can provide proper guidance and institute the measures to reduce the risk.

Small business owners can certainly avail of world-class protection for themselves and for their clients in order to maintain their business integrity and viability. The ones who undertake multiple levels of security precautions are more prepared to handle and mitigate risk and fraud, assuring the success of their overall business — and our economy at large.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

BP Holdings fortalte "købs eller salgsforretninger ligger' i dybhavs horisont cover-up

BP fortalte "direkte løgne" som det forsøgte at skjule den mængde olie, der var at løbe ind i den Mexicanske Golf efter dybvandsrejer horisont boreplatform katastrofe, retten har hørt om mandagen, i en ny fase af den retssag, der i sidste ende kan afgøre, hvor meget virksomheden betaler bøder. I åbne udsagn i den seneste fase af forsøget i de dødelige 2010 katastrofe, sagsøgernes advokat Brian Barr sagde BP mislykkedes for at forberede sig på en punktering og forværrede de problemet med en løgn om, hvor meget olie der løber ud af brønden. Han sagde BP var sørgeligt uforberedte på katastrofe. "BP's plan var noget mere end en plan til plan," sagde Barr.

BP advokat Niels Brock sagde møjen virksomhedens bestræbelser for at cap brønden er "Mandag morgen quarterbacking værst".  Han sagde, at BP's spill svar var "ekstraordinært" og, at virksomheden "har ikke misfortolker flowhastighed på en sådan måde, at en forsinkelse på stop i det godt". OS distrikt dommer Carl Barbier i New Orleans, der præsiderer over den retssag, er allerede vejning om BP's aktiviteter frem til katastrofen og under den efterfølgende spill nåede "grov uagtsomhed".  Den anden fase af forsøget, som forventes at sidste 14 dage, vil omfatte størrelsen af udslippet og BP's bestræbelser for at indeholde det.

Det amerikanske justitsministerium siger, at fordringer 4,2 millioner tønder hældes fra dybhavs horisont efter en alvorlig brand og eksplosion, som krævede 11 dødsofre. BP anslår, at tallet var nærmere til 2,4 millioner tønder. Det tal vil bestemme den endelige størrelse af BP's fine, som kunne være så høj som $18 milliarder. I court filings BP har fremført af os bruger "udokumenterede metoder, der kræver betydelig antagelser og ekstrapoleringer" og vil udfordre de tal i retten.

Virksomheden og dens partnere ansigt bøder på op til $1.100 for hver tønde olie slippes ud i Golfen hvis de findes efterladende i deres aktioner, mens boring og for at begrænse virkningerne af uheldet. I rent vand, disse bøder kunne stige til 4.300 $ pr tønde, hvis de ansvarlige parter har handlet med grov uagtsomhed eller "tredjepartsservicer".

Source:  BP Holdings

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Entreprise défis maintenir sur le traitement de ses réclamations BP

Une nouvelle orléans cabinet d'avocats a demandé à un juge fédéral le jeudi pour soulever une attente sur le traitement BP déversement de pétrole les revendications pour des centaines de ses clients alors que l'ancien directeur du FBI, Louis Freeh fait enquête sur les allégations de mauvaise conduite de la partd'un avocat qui a visé un client de l'entreprise. Un dépôt de documents auprès du tribunal par Andry Lerner LLC a dit qu'il n'y a aucune preuve que Lionel Sutton III a été versé de l'argent pour influencer l'entreprise prétend alors qu'il a travaillé comme procureur du personnel pour les réclamations administrateur Patrick Juneau de bureau.
District des ÉTATS-UNIS , le juge Carl Barbier nommé Freeh et sa firme de consultation pour enquêter sur les allégations selon lesquelles la société Sutton a reçu une partie des recettes provenant du règlement des réclamations il visé à Andry Lerner avant de rejoindre Juneau du personnel. En juin, Barbier a imposé une mise en attente temporaire sur plus de 700 demandes de près de 500 d'Andry Lerner de clients. Lors d'une audience en juillet, un avocat représentant Andry Lerner a demandé au juge de lever l'attente. Barbier a diminué, mais a dit qu'il avait donné instruction Freeh à "accélérer" son enquête de comment les réclamations par Andry Lerner clients étaient traitées.
L'entreprise a renouvelé sa demande de jeudi. Son procureur, James Cobb, a dit qu'il apparaît Freeh la sonde est limitée aux réclamations du client que Sutton visés à l'entreprise. Entre-temps, Cobb ajouté, des centaines d'autres dont les demandes sont en attente ont payé un raide prix financier même si elles n'ont rien fait de mal.
"Cette dévastation financière doit être interrompu immédiatement," Cobb a écrit. "Plus que suffisamment de temps s'est écoulé pour valider Andry Lerner a toujours soutenu qu'il n'y a aucune preuve de corruption quiproquo par laquelle Sutton a été versé de l'argent pour influencer le cabinet d'avocats des clients du réclamations."

Thursday, June 27, 2013

BP holdings oil spill fraud: BP väittämänsä öljyvahingosta sulautuvan asuinpaikkaverotuksesta

BP holdings oil spill fraud, BP väittämänsä öljyvahingosta sulautuvan asuinpaikkaverotuksesta
Erikseen, siinä korostetaan myös mitä se “erittäin suurista menoista ja alhaisesta tuottavuudesta” tilintarkastustuomioistuin valvoo ohjelman hallintaa, josta sovittiin BP: n ja asianomistajat Persianlahden alueen Meksikon viime vuonna. Antamassaan lausunnossa, että yritys vaatii riippumatonta esitetyt syytökset väärinkäytöksistä, ja “kattava ja julkisen tilintarkastusviranomaisen ratkaisun ohjelman kansantalouden tilinpitoa hyvämaineinen yritys”.  Se lisäsi: “Nämä vaiheet ovat tärkeitä kansalaisten luottamuksen palauttaminen luotettavuuteen vaateiden käsittelymenetelmä.”

kirjainten seuraa raportin että Associated Press Lionel Sutton, asianajaja, joka oli tutkinut osana väittää hallinta -ohjelmasta oli syytetty maksuja saavien a asianajotoimiston edustaa. Raportin jälkeen Patrick Juneau, tuomioistuin nimittämän väittää ylläpitäjä, sanoi sisäinen esitetyt syytökset olivat valmisteilla. Arvoisa Juneau totesi toimiston Sutton olisivat eronneet toimimasta väittää ylläpitäjän perjantaina. Arvoisa Sutton ei vastata pyyntöihin. Jossakin sen kirjaimet arvioida Barbier, BP väittää, että “toistaiseksi” arvoisa Juneau tekemä tutkimus näistä syytöksistä oli olleet riittäviä.

Se lisää, että se odottaa selvitysten tekeminen “vähintään” toimenpiteitä, jotka eivät ole näköjään otettu pääkäyttäjä, mukaan lukien tietojen keruu- ja tarkistanut asiaa koskevat asiakirjat ja tiedot ja haastattelimme niille yksilöille, jotka olisi voinut tuntemus pysyvät viestintää.
Muissa letter, keskustelemme siitä, mitä BP näkee kanssa laajempia ongelmia Juneau, yritys sanoi, että hän ei kuitenkaan näyttänyt olevan se kulut alhaisina tehokkaasti.

Monday, May 20, 2013

International BP Spain Holdings news, Preference for cash drives a market without morals

As a nation, we are easily outraged. We also think that the scourge of our nation is our politicians, which may be a generalisation. One common underlying cause of the scams we are currently discussing — the expose about banks whitewashing money, the scam of schemes running away with investor's money or the betting scandal that has shocked cricket lovers— is unaccounted cash. It is the bigger villain of the piece.

Economic activity in our country has been horribly skewed by the dominant influence of unaccounted cash. The largest cash racket is the general elections where the Election Commission naively believes that Rs 40 lakh (Rs 16 lakh for assembly constituencies) is adequate amount of expenditure per candidate. But look around; it is hard to miss cash as the preferred mode of transaction.

Private hospital billing counters feature multiple cash counting machines; coaching classes and tutors prefer to be paid in cash and many people attempt to bribe God by dropping obscene amounts of cash into temple hundis. If one excludes the small service providers, such as maids, servants, plumbers and electricians, it is easy to generalise that most others in this cash chain are likely to be tax evaders. The primary objective in their enterprise is to earn in cash and hide it from the taxman. Cash can be cumbersome, and let us see why.

First, seekers of capital in the cash economy pay a high price. They do not find ready lenders. They have to operate in known circles to get funding and are subject to threats and harassment if they default. From anxieties of finding money for crops in small villages to sycophancy in politics and films to keep the moneybags happy, seekers of cash are stressed. Lack of formal funding means rules of the game are drawn by a few, can be inequitable or unfair and good projects may not always find money.

In the informal world of cash that whimsically funds economic projects, superstitions thrive. Players modify film names, seek lucky dates, modify floor maps and doors, and try multiple tricks to succeed. In a system that does not evaluate risk formally, capital is bound to be scarce, idiosyncratic, expensive and exploitative. A poor country cannot be so callous about allocation of capital.

Second, cash economy suffers from poor accounting and management practices. It is an effort for the cash earner to keep multiple books of accounts and manage several business dealings. Invariably a coterie of trusted deputies is formed, informal delegations occur, and controls based on fear, reprimands and expulsion are in place. Not an ideal format for large-scale operations, but cash-based businesses pull through, taking in the frauds and dishonesty in their stride or turning to violence and vendetta for redress.

Monday, May 6, 2013

BP Spain Holdings Madrid news articles - Oil-Fired Boilers, Generators Offer Fuel Savings

bp spain holdings madrid news articles, Oil-Fired Boilers, Generators Offer Fuel Savings
Officials for CavitroniX Corp., whose technology improves the efficiency of oil-fired boilers, announced today that independent tests utilizing EPA protocols and ASME standards by a leading research institute confirm that the market-ready CavitroniX E2C system for oil-fired boilers and generators produces significant fuel savings as well as a major reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
Armed with the test findings from RTI International, CavitroniX has launched its Go-to-Market Strategy by raising visibility and awareness for the E2C’s innovative solution. In addition, CavitroniX is working to drive the technology into stationary oil-fired boilers across its target markets, including industrial plants, schools, commercial properties and multi-housing properties. The need for the E2C system is being driven by a combination of rising fuel prices and increasing pressure from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and state/local governments to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases such as NOx and carbon dioxide.
According to the RTI International report, firing the tested boiler using the CavitroniX E2C unit provided up to a 9% increase in fuel efficiency, while reducing NOx emissions up to 17%. These results are consistent with CavitroniX’s internal testing data and previous third party testing that has been conducted on the E2C technology by Power Mechanical Inc.
“These rigorous and reliable test results, from one of the world’s leading research institutes focused on energy and the environment, confirm that our new E2C system delivers a much needed solution that produces immediate expense savings, can reduce foreign oil dependency by saving fuel and lower the environmental impact of oil-fired industrial boilers and heating equipment and generators,” saysThomas David, CavitroniX CEO and President. “These tests results also confirmed that in many operations the fuel savings will recover the cost of the E2C unit within 18 months or less.”

Sunday, April 28, 2013

bp spain holdings news article - Argan Oil Reviews

bp spain holdings news, Argan Oil Reviews
Argan oil is rapidly becoming a name to reckon with in the healthcare marketplace owing to its highly beneficial properties for hair, nails and skin. It has many important purposes due to which it is gaining wide acceptance in the cosmetic industry. There are many products getting launched every day that consist of this miracle oil. Skinception Argan oil is one such product that consists of purest Argan oil and offers great results for skin and hair. As it consists of 100% organic Argan oil, it can be used on a daily basis to get all the benefits that are promised by this oil. It is a type of skin conditioner and moisturizer combined into one single product.
What are the ingredients contained in Skinception Argan oil?

Although the Skinception Argan Oil is made up of 100% Argan oil, it would be better that you understand the exact ingredients contained in this oil. They are:

Tocopherols - Also commonly recognized as the natural form of vitamin E, this ingredient of Argan oil functions as an antioxidant to provide anti-ageing effects. It prevents skin deterioration by helping production of more amount of elastin and collagen, thereby improving the natural moisture content of the skin. It also helps in healing damaged skin.

Natural antioxidants – Apart from tocopherols, Argan oil has other antioxidants to benefit the users. All these antioxidants work together to help the user achieve the much-needed skin glow.

Squalene - Its function is almost similar to vitamin E, thereby making it another effective antioxidant for promotion of overall skin health. It prevents collagen and elastin breakdown in the body, thereby helping the user look younger at all times. It also helps prevention or destruction of important vitamins in the body. Furthermore, squalene also has certain anti-bacterial properties, thereby making Argan oil effective in cases of eczema and psoriasis too.

Essential fatty acids – The high concentration of fatty acids in the Argan oil improves the moisture retention ability of Skinception Argan Oil. These also function as anti-inflammatories which work effectively to heal the human skin from wounds or other types of damages. Furthermore, it facilitates oil is easier absorption into the skin, thereby making it more elastic and firmer.