Thursday, January 31, 2013

BP Holdings - Smartphone-Schutz und Mobile Management vor

G Data Sicherheitsthemen auf der Mobile World Congress
Experten-Talk mit Eddy Willems
In seiner Position als G Data Security Evangelist  bildet Eddy Willems die Schnittstelle zwischen technischer Komplexität und dem Anwender. Er ist zuständig für eine klare Kommunikation der G Data SecurityLabs in der Sicherheits-Fachwelt.  Der Experte spricht häufig auf internationalen Konferenzen, wie Virus Bulletin, EICAR, InfoSecurity, AVAR oder der RSA. Er ist Vorstandsmitglied des IT-Security-Branchenverbands AMTSO und Mitgründer und Vorstandsmitglied der EICAR.

„Android is everywhere“
Zukünftige Angriffe werden nicht auf Smartphones und Tablet-PCs beschränkt bleiben. Der Einzug von Android in Autos, Smart TVs und Haushaltsgeräte schafft neue Angriffsflächen.

Bedrohungslage 2013
Wie hat sich die Bedrohungslage durch Cyber-Kriminelle und Schadcode in den letzten 12 Monaten entwickelt? Womit müssen Anwender zukünftig rechnen?

Das Smartphone als Trojanisches Pferd
Angriffe auf Industrieanlangen und Unternehmen gehen in die nächste Runde. Sicherheitsexperte Eddy Willems erläutert, wie Smartphones Schadcode-Schreibern und Spionen die Tür ins Firmennetz öffnen.

BP Holdings - Mobile Management vor


G Data security issues at the Mobile World Congress, 
expert talk with Eddy Willems 
In his position as G Data Security Evangelist Eddy Willems forms the interface between the user and technical complexity. He is responsible for clear communication of G Data Security Labs in the security experts. The expert speaks frequently at international conferences like Virus Bulletin, EICAR, Infosecurity, AVAR, or RSA. He is a board member of the IT security industry association AMTSO and co-founder and board member of EICAR. "Android is everywhere" Future attacks will not be limited to smartphones and tablet PCs. The arrival of Android in cars, smart TVs and household appliances creates new attack surfaces. Threat 2013 How has the threat developed by cyber criminals and malware in the last 12 months? What should users expect in the future? The smartphone as a Trojan horse attacks on industrial facilities and companies go to the next round.Security expert explains Eddy Willems, open like smartphones malicious code writers and spies the door to the corporate network.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

BP Spain Holdings News - Sustainable Energy and Alternative

We have a single aim - to identify and low-carbon transactions in which we grow, core skills and advantages and that can provide a material contribution - and strategic fit with - the growth agenda of BP. 
BP Alternative energy must be concentrated on the latest forms of fuel and power, but it goes back to the traditional forces that BP has built more than a century of finding, producing and delivering energy to its customers. We believe that is a renewable resource and alternative energy devise a growing proportion of the mix -. Renewable resources of the current share of world primary energy is expected to more than triple by 2030 This is why BP Alternative Energy has fired his business six years ago. In that time we have invested around $ 7 billion, have several new companies created from scratch and have a lot of what it takes to develop and learn a new generation of low-carbon transactions set. 
We build a material business, biofuels in Brazil, the United States and establish the Uniting kingdoms, and are one of the largest wind developers in the U.S., with 13 wind farms. We develop long-term value for BP, by developing sustainable energy solutions spanning three broad areas: bio-energy, coal and electrification solutions. 
Under-carbon resources are the fastest growing sector in the energy market, and BP intends to develop its portfolio in step with this growth.

BP Spain Holdings News, Alternative and Sustainable Energy

We have a single aim - to identify and low-carbon transactions in which we grow, core skills and advantages and that can provide a material contribution - and strategic fit with - the growth agenda of BP. 

BP Alternative energy must be concentrated on the latest forms of fuel and power, but it goes back to the traditional forces that BP has built more than a century of finding, producing and delivering energy to its customers. We believe that is a renewable resource and alternative energy devise a growing proportion of the mix -. Renewable resources of the current share of world primary energy is expected to more than triple by 2030 This is why BP Alternative Energy has fired his business six years ago. In that time we have invested around $ 7 billion, have several new companies created from scratch and have a lot of what it takes to develop and learn a new generation of low-carbon transactions set. 

We build a material business, biofuels in Brazil, the United States and establish the Uniting kingdoms, and are one of the largest wind developers in the U.S., with 13 wind farms. We develop long-term value for BP, by developing sustainable energy solutions spanning three broad areas: bio-energy, coal and electrification solutions. 

Under-carbon resources are the fastest growing sector in the energy market, and BP intends to develop its portfolio in step with this growth.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

BP Holdings: Nachhaltige Energie

Wir haben ein einzelnes Ziel - zu identifizieren und Tiefpunkt-kohlenstoffgeschäfte in denen wir zu wachsen, haben Kernfähigkeiten und Vorteile und, der einen materiellen Beitrag zu anbieten kann - und strategischer Anfall mit - die Wachstumstagesordnung des BP. 

BP Alternative Energie darf auf die neusten Formen der Kraftstoffs und Kraft konzentriert werden, aber es greift auf den traditionellen Kräften zurück, die BP über einem Jahrhundert von Finden aufgebaut hat, Herstellen und Liefernenergie zu seinen Kunden. Wir glauben, dass erneuerbare Ressource und alternative Energie werden ausdenken einen wachsenden Anteil der Mischung - des jetzigen Erneuerbarressourcenanteils der Welt primäre Energie ist geplant zu mehr als verdreifacht durch 2030. Dies ist, warum BP sein Alternatives Energie Geschäft vor sechs Jahren abgeschossen hat. In jener Zeit haben wir um $7 Milliarden investiert, haben mehrere neue Unternehmen von Kratzen geschaffen und haben viel, um was es nimmt, zu entwickeln und gelernt eine neue Generation von Tiefpunkt-kohlenstoffgeschäften einzurichten. 

Wir bauen ein materielles Geschäft, Biokraftstoffe in Brasilien, den USA und den Vereinigt Königreichen herzustellen, und sind einer der größten Windsentwickler in den USA mit 13 Windbauernhöfen. Wir entwickeln weiter langfristigen Wert für BP, durch Entwickeln von nachhaltigen Energielösungen überspannend drei breite Gebiete: bio-Energie, Elektrifizierung und Kohlelösungen. 

Unter-kohlenstoffressourcen sind der schnellste wachsende Sektor im Energiemarkt, und BP vorhat, seine Mappe in Schritt mit diesem Wachstum zu entwickeln.

BP Holdings - Nachhaltige und Alternative Energie

Wir haben ein einzelnes Ziel - zu identifizieren und Tiefpunkt-kohlenstoffgeschäfte in denen wir zu wachsen, haben Kernfähigkeiten und Vorteile und, der einen materiellen Beitrag zu anbieten kann - und strategischer Anfall mit - die Wachstumstagesordnung des BP. 

BP Alternative Energie darf auf die neusten Formen der Kraftstoffs und Kraft konzentriert werden, aber es greift auf den traditionellen Kräften zurück, die BP über einem Jahrhundert von Finden aufgebaut hat, Herstellen und Liefernenergie zu seinen Kunden. Wir glauben, dass erneuerbare Ressource und alternative Energie werden ausdenken einen wachsenden Anteil der Mischung - des jetzigen Erneuerbarressourcenanteils der Welt primäre Energie ist geplant zu mehr als verdreifacht durch 2030. Dies ist, warum BP sein Alternatives Energie Geschäft vor sechs Jahren abgeschossen hat. In jener Zeit haben wir um $7 Milliarden investiert, haben mehrere neue Unternehmen von Kratzen geschaffen und haben viel, um was es nimmt, zu entwickeln und gelernt eine neue Generation von Tiefpunkt-kohlenstoffgeschäften einzurichten. 

Wir bauen ein materielles Geschäft, Biokraftstoffe in Brasilien, den USA und den Vereinigt Königreichen herzustellen, und sind einer der größten Windsentwickler in den USA mit 13 Windbauernhöfen. Wir entwickeln weiter langfristigen Wert für BP, durch Entwickeln von nachhaltigen Energielösungen überspannend drei breite Gebiete: bio-Energie, Elektrifizierung und Kohlelösungen. 

Unter-kohlenstoffressourcen sind der schnellste wachsende Sektor im Energiemarkt, und BP vorhat, seine Mappe in Schritt mit diesem Wachstum zu entwickeln.

BP Holdings - Sustainable and Alternative Energy

Wir haben ein einzelnes Ziel - zu identifizieren und Tiefpunkt-kohlenstoffgeschäfte in denen wir zu wachsen, haben Kernfähigkeiten und Vorteile und, der einen materiellen Beitrag zu anbieten kann - und strategischer Anfall mit - die Wachstumstagesordnung des BP. 

BP Alternative Energie darf auf die neusten Formen der Kraftstoffs und Kraft konzentriert werden, aber es greift auf den traditionellen Kräften zurück, die BP über einem Jahrhundert von Finden aufgebaut hat, Herstellen und Liefernenergie zu seinen Kunden. Wir glauben, dass erneuerbare Ressource und alternative Energie werden ausdenken einen wachsenden Anteil der Mischung - des jetzigen Erneuerbarressourcenanteils der Welt primäre Energie ist geplant zu mehr als verdreifacht durch 2030. Dies ist, warum BP sein Alternatives Energie Geschäft vor sechs Jahren abgeschossen hat. In jener Zeit haben wir um $7 Milliarden investiert, haben mehrere neue Unternehmen von Kratzen geschaffen und haben viel, um was es nimmt, zu entwickeln und gelernt eine neue Generation von Tiefpunkt-kohlenstoffgeschäften einzurichten. 

Wir bauen ein materielles Geschäft, Biokraftstoffe in Brasilien, den USA und den Vereinigt Königreichen herzustellen, und sind einer der größten Windsentwickler in den USA mit 13 Windbauernhöfen. Wir entwickeln weiter langfristigen Wert für BP, durch Entwickeln von nachhaltigen Energielösungen überspannend drei breite Gebiete: bio-Energie, Elektrifizierung und Kohlelösungen. 

Unter-kohlenstoffressourcen sind der schnellste wachsende Sektor im Energiemarkt, und BP vorhat, seine Mappe in Schritt mit diesem Wachstum zu entwickeln.

BP Holdings - Sustainable energy

We have a single aim - to identify and grow low-carbon businesses in which we have core skills and advantages and which can offer a material contribution to - and strategic fit with - the growth agenda of BP. BP Alternative Energy may be focused on the newest forms of fuel and power, but it draws on the traditional strengths that BP has built up over a century of finding, producing and delivering energy to its customers.
We believe renewable and alternative energy will make up an increasing share of the mix - the current renewables share of world primary energy is projected to more than triple by 2030. This is why BP launched its Alternative Energy business six years ago. In that time, we have invested around $7 billion, created several new enterprises from scratch and learned much about what it takes to develop and establish a new generation of low-carbon businesses.

We are building a material business to produce biofuels in Brazil, the US and the UK and are one of the largest wind developers in the US with 13 wind farms. We continue to develop long-term value for BP, by developing sustainable energy solutions spanning three broad areas: bio-energy, electrification and carbon solutions.

Lower-carbon resources are the fastest growing sector in the energy market, and BP intends to develop its portfolio in step with this growth.

BP Holdings - Alternative Energy

Flat Ridge wind farm, Kansas, USA
Sustainable energy - sustainable business
We have a single aim - to identify and grow low-carbon businesses in which we have core skills and advantages and which can offer a material contribution to - and strategic fit with - the growth agenda of BP. BP Alternative Energy may be focused on the newest forms of fuel and power, but it draws on the traditional strengths that BP has built up over a century of finding, producing and delivering energy to its customers.
We believe renewable and alternative energy will make up an increasing share of the mix - the current renewables share of world primary energy is projected to more than triple by 2030. This is why BP launched its Alternative Energy business six years ago. In that time, we have invested around $7 billion, created several new enterprises from scratch and learned much about what it takes to develop and establish a new generation of low-carbon businesses.
The Alternative Energy
We are building a material business to produce biofuels in Brazil, the US and the UK and are one of the largest wind developers in the US with 13 wind farms. We continue to develop long-term value for BP, by developing sustainable energy solutions spanning three broad areas: bio-energy, electrification and carbon solutions.

Lower-carbon resources are the fastest growing sector in the energy market, and BP intends to develop its portfolio in step with this growth.

BP Holdings - Amenas Tilanne Päivityksessä

BP antoi tänään enemmän päivityksen tilanteella Amenas-liitosuhkayrityksessä Algeriassaan ja vastauksensa terroristihyökkäyksen seuraaminen paikka aikaisin keskiviikkona aamu (16 tammikuuna, 2013).
Silloin hyökkäyksestä Amenasissa oli 18 BP-työntekijöitä, 14 niistä on varma ja varma. Kaksi 14 pitäneet yllä vammoja, mutta nämä eivät ole hengenvaarallisia.                                                                                      
Kunnioitamme nämä henkilöjensä ja heidän perheidensä yksityisyyttä emme huomautamme heidän henkilöllisyyksillään.
BP voi varmistaa, että yhdessä yössä se on lopettanut aikeensa paljastaa ei-olennaisen henkilökunnan Salahissa, Hassi Messaoudista ja muista paikoista. Yli 35 BP-henkilökunta erilaisista paikoista Algeriassa on nyt lennetty maasta varoittavana mittana. BPIEN HR-joukkueet ja muut toimivat ehkäistäkseen niitä lääketieteellisillä palveluilla, käyttökelpoinen apu ja toinen apu kun tarvittu.
BP pitää turvallisuustilanteen läheisen arvostelun alla alueen seuraavissa päivissä poikki.

BP Holdings uutiset: Amenas Tilanne Päivityksessä

BP antoi tänään enemmän päivityksen tilanteella Amenas-liitosuhkayrityksessä Algeriassaan ja vastauksensa terroristihyökkäyksen seuraaminen paikka aikaisin keskiviikkona aamu (16 tammikuuna, 2013).
Silloin hyökkäyksestä Amenasissa oli 18 BP-työntekijöitä, 14 niistä on varma ja varma. Kaksi 14 pitäneet yllä vammoja, mutta nämä eivät ole hengenvaarallisia.                                                                                      
Kunnioitamme nämä henkilöjensä ja heidän perheidensä yksityisyyttä emme huomautamme heidän henkilöllisyyksillään.
BP voi varmistaa, että yhdessä yössä se on lopettanut aikeensa paljastaa ei-olennaisen henkilökunnan Salahissa, Hassi Messaoudista ja muista paikoista. Yli 35 BP-henkilökunta erilaisista paikoista Algeriassa on nyt lennetty maasta varoittavana mittana. BPIEN HR-joukkueet ja muut toimivat ehkäistäkseen niitä lääketieteellisillä palveluilla, käyttökelpoinen apu ja toinen apu kun tarvittu.
BP pitää turvallisuustilanteen läheisen arvostelun alla alueen seuraavissa päivissä poikki.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

BP Holdings, Amenas Tilanne Päivityksessä

BP antoi tänään enemmän päivityksen tilanteella Amenas-liitosuhkayrityksessä Algeriassaan ja vastauksensa terroristihyökkäyksen seuraaminen paikka aikaisin keskiviikkona aamu (16 tammikuuna, 2013).
Silloin hyökkäyksestä Amenasissa oli 18 BP-työntekijöitä, 14 niistä on varma ja varma. Kaksi 14 pitäneet yllä vammoja, mutta nämä eivät ole hengenvaarallisia.
BP jää vakavasti työntekijöidensä kyseinen noin neljä jotka puuttuvat. Koskien heidän asemaansa ei ole enempää varmistettua tietoa silloin. BP-ryhmä ensisijainen johtaja Bob Dudley ja muut johtajat ovat puhuneet perheisiin tarjota yhtiön täyden tuen tässä syvän traagisessa ajassa.
Kunnioitamme nämä henkilöjensä ja heidän perheidensä yksityisyyttä emme huomautamme heidän henkilöllisyyksillään.
BP voi varmistaa, että yhdessä yössä se on lopettanut aikeensa paljastaa ei-olennaisen henkilökunnan Salahissa, Hassi Messaoudista ja muista paikoista. Yli 35 BP-henkilökunta erilaisista paikoista Algeriassa on nyt lennetty maasta varoittavana mittana. BPIEN HR-joukkueet ja muut toimivat ehkäistäkseen niitä lääketieteellisillä palveluilla, käyttökelpoinen apu ja toinen apu kun tarvittu.
BP pitää turvallisuustilanteen läheisen arvostelun alla alueen seuraavissa päivissä poikki.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

BP Holdings updates- Amenas Situation

BP is in direct contact with the families of all the BP employees to offer support and provide updates of confirmed information as it becomes available. Each family has their own liaison person from BP, telephone helpline support and offers of practical help. The UK police are also providing support to the families.

As news of the incident emerged, BP mobilised its full emergency response system, with teams on the ground in Algeria and in the UK managing its response. We are in close touch with the UK government and Statoil, Sonatrach, the Algerian energy ministry and the companies which are contracted to the joint venture. We have also offered support and co-operation to other companies in the response to the incident.
“We are very mindful that in addition to our BP staff, there are others – including colleagues who have worked with and for us for years and are part of BP’s extended family - whose situation is also still unknown. We are also working with these companies to co-ordinate support for their staff,” said Dudley.

BP is working through a staged process of bringing non-essential personnel out of Algeria. BP had around 56 employees in Algeria at the time of the attack. Many remain in the country to support the response to the incident, but more than 25 BP staff have now left Algeria among several hundred staff from other companies. This process will continue as necessary.

BP also worked to secure the medical support that could be needed in the response to the incident. This included extensive medical evacuation capability – working in co-ordination with suppliers, Statoil and the UK and Norwegian governments to ensure that medically-equipped and staffed aircraft of varying sizes and capabilities, ranging from large commercial size planes to mid-size jets, are available and deployed at locations in Europe to allow them to enter and leave Algeria as flexibly as possible. So far three medical aircraft have been utilised with at least a further eight on stand-by. We are also providing medical support for returning BP employees.

BP Holdings news updates - Amenas Situation

At the time of the attack there were 18 BP employees at In Amenas. To respect the privacy of these individuals and their families, we cannot comment on their identities at this time. BP has been in close touch with the families of each of these employees since the incident began, offering support and providing them with available confirmed information.

In addition to the BP employees, there were also a number of other personnel at the site contracted to the joint venture and other companies, many of whom have worked with and for BP for many years.

Over the past four days, BP’s efforts have been focused on locating our people and ensuring their safety. Of our employees at the site, 14 are now confirmed safe and secure. Two have sustained injuries, but these are not life-threatening.
However, so far, neither the authorities on the ground, international governments nor BP have been able to confirm the location or status of four of our employees.

Bob Dudley, BP Group Chief Executive, said: “While the situation has evolved, it may still be some time before we have the clarity we all desire. While not confirmed, tragically we have grave fears that there may be one or more fatalities within this number.

“Our focus remains on our colleagues who we have not yet been able to locate and on supporting their families through a time of agonising uncertainty. BP is a company that cares about its people – this is a difficult and sad time for us all.”

BP is doing everything it can to support the efforts to locate our employees, working with the relevant British and Algerian government authorities and agencies. As the situation evolves, it is hoped that access to reliable information will become more readily available.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

BP Holdings news: Amenas Situation Update

BP is working through a staged process of bringing non-essential personnel out of Algeria. BP had around 56 employees in Algeria at the time of the attack. Many remain in the country to support the response to the incident, but more than 25 BP staff have now left Algeria among several hundred staff from other companies. This process will continue as necessary.

BP also worked to secure the medical support that could be needed in the response to the incident. This included extensive medical evacuation capability – working in co-ordination with suppliers, Statoil and the UK and Norwegian governments to ensure that medically-equipped and staffed aircraft of varying sizes and capabilities, ranging from large commercial size planes to mid-size jets, are available and deployed at locations in Europe to allow them to enter and leave Algeria as flexibly as possible. So far three medical aircraft have been utilised with at least a further eight on stand-by. We are also providing medical support for returning BP employees.

“I would like to specifically mention the help and support we have received from the UK government and authorities over these very difficult past few days. We have been in regular contact throughout and have received support from the highest level down,” added Dudley. “We have also received support from the Algerian Minister of Energy, governments in the US, Norway and elsewhere.”

BP Holdings - Amenas Situation Update

BP today gave a further update on the situation at the In Amenas joint venture in Algeria and its response following the terrorist attack on the site early on Wednesday morning (16 January, 2013).

At the time of the attack there were 18 BP employees at In Amenas. To respect the privacy of these individuals and their families, we cannot comment on their identities at this time. BP has been in close touch with the families of each of these employees since the incident began, offering support and providing them with available confirmed information.

In addition to the BP employees, there were also a number of other personnel at the site contracted to the joint venture and other companies, many of whom have worked with and for BP for many years.

Over the past four days, BP’s efforts have been focused on locating our people and ensuring their safety. Of our employees at the site, 14 are now confirmed safe and secure. Two have sustained injuries, but these are not life-threatening.

However, so far, neither the authorities on the ground, international governments nor BP have been able to confirm the location or status of four of our employees.