Sunday, April 28, 2013

bp spain holdings news article - Argan Oil Reviews

bp spain holdings news, Argan Oil Reviews
Argan oil is rapidly becoming a name to reckon with in the healthcare marketplace owing to its highly beneficial properties for hair, nails and skin. It has many important purposes due to which it is gaining wide acceptance in the cosmetic industry. There are many products getting launched every day that consist of this miracle oil. Skinception Argan oil is one such product that consists of purest Argan oil and offers great results for skin and hair. As it consists of 100% organic Argan oil, it can be used on a daily basis to get all the benefits that are promised by this oil. It is a type of skin conditioner and moisturizer combined into one single product.
What are the ingredients contained in Skinception Argan oil?

Although the Skinception Argan Oil is made up of 100% Argan oil, it would be better that you understand the exact ingredients contained in this oil. They are:

Tocopherols - Also commonly recognized as the natural form of vitamin E, this ingredient of Argan oil functions as an antioxidant to provide anti-ageing effects. It prevents skin deterioration by helping production of more amount of elastin and collagen, thereby improving the natural moisture content of the skin. It also helps in healing damaged skin.

Natural antioxidants – Apart from tocopherols, Argan oil has other antioxidants to benefit the users. All these antioxidants work together to help the user achieve the much-needed skin glow.

Squalene - Its function is almost similar to vitamin E, thereby making it another effective antioxidant for promotion of overall skin health. It prevents collagen and elastin breakdown in the body, thereby helping the user look younger at all times. It also helps prevention or destruction of important vitamins in the body. Furthermore, squalene also has certain anti-bacterial properties, thereby making Argan oil effective in cases of eczema and psoriasis too.

Essential fatty acids – The high concentration of fatty acids in the Argan oil improves the moisture retention ability of Skinception Argan Oil. These also function as anti-inflammatories which work effectively to heal the human skin from wounds or other types of damages. Furthermore, it facilitates oil is easier absorption into the skin, thereby making it more elastic and firmer.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Early restoration projects: Gulf of Mexico restoration: BP – Wordpress

In 2012, work began on the initial set of early restoration projects identified through an agreement BP signed with state and federal trustees in April 2011. The trustees also approved two new early restoration projects in December 2012 following a public comment period. These projects are designed to improve nesting habitats for birds and loggerhead sea turtles on a number of Gulf Coast beaches.

Under the early restoration framework agreement, BP agreed to fund up to $1 billion in early restoration projects to accelerate efforts to restore natural resources injured as a result of the Deepwater Horizon accident. The framework requires BP and the trustees to agree upon the potential projects, funding and the natural resources' benefits the projects are expected to provide. The trustees then implement the projects.
The agreement between BP and the trustees makes it possible for restoration to begin at an earlier stage of the NRD process than usual. NRD restoration projects are typically funded only after the NRD assessment is complete and a final settlement has been reached or a final court judgment has been entered. This process often takes many years, and restoration is often delayed during that time. The early restoration framework agreement allows the parties to expedite projects to restore, replace or acquire the equivalent of injured natural resources in the Gulf soon after an injury is identified, reducing the time needed to achieve restoration of those resources.

Projects under way
The eight initial early restoration projects that were initiated in 2012 are expected to cost approximately $60 million.
• Alabama Dune Restoration Cooperative Project aims to restore and protect 55 acres of coastal sand dune habitat with native vegetation, protective fencing and informative signs.

•Alabama Marsh Island Restoration Project aims to protect 24 acres of existing salt marsh habitat and create 50 acres of additional salt marsh habitat in Portersville Bay.
•Florida Boat Ramp Enhancement and Construction Project aims to repair two existing public boat ramps and construct two new public boat ramps as well as visitor kiosks in Escambia County to improve access to the public for water and boating recreational activities.
•Florida (Pensacola Beach) Dune Restoration Project aims to plant approximately 475,000 native plants an average of 15 to 60 feet seaward of the existing primary dunes along an eight mile length of Pensacola Beach near the western end of Santa Rosa Island in Escambia County, Florida.
•Louisiana Lake Hermitage Marsh Projectaims to create 104 acres of marsh within the Barataria Hydrologic Basin in Plaquemines parish.
•Louisiana Oyster Cultch Project aims to provide 850 acres of productive oyster cultch habitat on public oyster seed grounds in six locations in coastal Louisiana and construction of an oyster hatchery facility.
•Mississippi Oyster Cultch Project aims to provide approximately 1,400 acres of productive oyster cultch habitat in Hancock County and Harrison County.
• Mississippi Artificial Reefs Project aims to add approximately 100 acres of near-shore artificial reefs to the 201-acre footprint of the existing reefs in the Mississippi Sound.


Early restoration projects, Gulf of Mexico restoration, BP Holdings

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

BP Spain Holdings - Tärkeät teknologiaohjelmamme

Upstreamin Teknologia Lippulaivat
Edisti seismisiä kuvantamisteknologioita auttavat löydämme öljy ja kaasun, ja olemme teknologialla maksimoida resursseja olemassa olevista aloista. Parannettu öljy Toipuminen teknologiat lisäävät toipumismääriä. Todellinen-aika datateknologiat mahdollistavat turvallisuuden, luotettavuuden ja tehokkuuden toimintojemme poikki, ja uudet teknologiat tekevät epäsovinnaisen öljyn toipumista ja kaasu toteuttamiskelpoinen ja vakaa. Käytämme edisti teknologioita tutkiaksemme, kehittää ja tuottaa hiilivetyjä deepwaterissa. Sijoittamalla kaikissa näissä teknologioissa uskomme, että voimme toimittaa useimmat sysäykset resurssipidikkeille joka toimimme, osakkaillemme, ja tapaamisessa maailman energiatarpeet.
Downstream Teknologia ohjelmat
Downstreamin teknologia ohjelmamme kohdistutaan parannuksia toimintoihimme ja tuotteet, joiden tuottavat asiakkaillemme. Kehitämme ja käytämme teknologiaa valvoa toimivaa rehellisyyttä jalostamojemme poikki. Ja olemme teknologialla kehittää prosessien tehokkuus jalostamot ja petrochemical kasveissamme. Optimoimme myös epäsovinnaisen feedstocksin muuntoa, mukaan lukien uusiutuva, nestemäisiin kuljetuspolttoaineisiin ja kemikaaleihin, ja korkea suoritus, energian luominen tehokas, siivoojapolttoaineet ja liukastusaineet asiakkaille.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

BP Holdings Global - BP ja Rosneft toimiminen yhdessä

Rosneft_BP - BP ja Rosneft toimiminen yhdessä

Hankkimisellä Rosneftin olemassa oleva salkku upstreamista edut kaikki Venäjän tärkeä öljy poikki ja kaasua joka tuottaa alueita tullaan parantamaan TNK-BPIN lisälle toiminnot, mukaan lukien tärkeä öljy ja kaasualat Siperialla ja Yamal Niemimaalla. Nämä sisältävät varttuvat ”brownfieldin” tekojärvejä ja valtavia kehittymättömiä ”greenfield” alueita.

Rosneftin Venäjä-Laaja verkko jalostamoista ja huoltoasemia tullaan täydentämään TNK-BPILLE downstreamin toiminnot, mukaan lukien nuo tarjoominen Moskova ja St Pietari-alueet. Venäjä on jo maailman suurin tuottaja ja öljyn varastopidike ja kaasu yhdisti - kuitenkin Rosneft ja BP näkevät potentiaalin lisäävän tuotantoa ja varastoja vieläpä kauemmas uusien teknologioiden sovelluksen läpi ja tekniikat.

Kauppa tuo myös tehokkuuksien mahdollisuus, joissa on TNK-BPIN yhdistelmä, edut, joissa on Rosneftin nuo. Esimerkiksi TNK-BPIN fyysinen läheisyys ja Rosneftin greenfield kehitykset Yamal Niemimaalla ja Itäisessä Siperiassa ehkäisee, että tilaisuus ymmärtää luonnollisia teollisia tehokku